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Position Now Available

Members of the Main Street Apopka team are diverse, coming from all walks of life, fields of study, and areas of expertise. From committee members to the Executive board, these volunteers work together to develop a hearty program that meets the needs of the Apopka community and our small businesses downtown. On this page, you will read about the various positions available and if you are interested in contributing your own talent and time, please fill out the application form at the bottom of this page.


Executive Board Members commit to​

  • 4-10 hours of program work per month

  • Attend and intellectually contribute to meetings

  • Policy administration

  • Funding & financial management

  • Public relations & advocacy

  • Planning & evaluation

  • Committee oversight

  • Personnel management

  • Complete tasks in a timely manner

  • Participate as "support staff" for events and work days


Advisory Board Members commit to​

  • 4-10 hours of program work per month

  • Lead (or "Chair") a committee

  • Attend and intellectually contribute to meetings

  • Attend and advise during monthly board meetings

  • Public relations & advocacy

  • Complete tasks in a timely manner

  • Participate as "support staff" for events and work days


Committee Members commit to​

  • 4-10 hours of program work per month

  • Attend and intellectually contribute to meetings

  • Participate as "support staff" for events and work days

  • Complete tasks in a timely manner




Executive Board

1-2 year term

The President assists the Executive Director in defining priorities and directions based on the published goals of the organization, resource team recommendations and board policies. The President oversees the organization in a functional way, guiding and facilitating the working relationships within the organization.

Vice President

Executive Board
1-2 year term

The Vice-President’s role is that of support for the President. They share the Presidential responsibilities as delegated by the President, working in whatever capacities the President and Vice President deem to be most beneficial to the organization. The VP performs the duties of the President when the President is unable to do so.


Executive Board

1-2 year term

The Treasurer is responsible for fiscally monitoring the program. This includes keeping all financial records up to date. The Treasurer is ultimately responsible for seeing that the bills of the organization are paid in a timely manner.


Executive Board

1-2 year term

The Secretary serves as the primary record keeper of the organization. They are responsible for transcribing the minutes at each board meeting and preparing an “official” copy for approval by the board of directors.

Advisory Board Member

12 month term

Design Committee Chair

The Design Committee’s purpose is to create an attractive, coordinated and quality image of the district by capitalizing on its unique assets and its responsibilities do not lie solely with the improvement of traditional commercial buildings.

Advisory Board Member

12 month term

Organization Committee Chair

Much of the success of the a Main Street program and the viability of the organization will depend on its ability to recruit and develop new leadership, to stay in close touch with its supporters, to meet its supporter’s needs and to involve and mobilize a large number of volunteers in the program’s activities. This is an intense, ongoing effort that requires diligent work all year round by the Organization Committee

Advisory Board Member

12 month term

Organization Committee Co-Chair

Committee Members

12 month term

Design Committee - 2 members needed

Organization Committee - 3 members needed

Promotion Committee - 1 member needed

Apply Here

What position are you applying for?

Thank you for applying to be a part of our team! You should here back from someone in the next 2-3 days

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Board of Directors 

Bill Friedrich Headshot.jpg

Bill Friedrich

Vice President

Missing Piece

Vice President

Position Vacant

Shaunte McNeil-Jemison.jpg

Shaunte Jemison


Missing Piece


Position Vacant

Advisory Board

Missing Piece

Design Committee Chair

Position Vacant


Matthew Hutch

Promotion Committee Co-Chair


Elza Clarke-Samuel

Economic Vitality Co-Chair

Missing Piece

Organization Committee Chair

Position Vacant


Amira Melnichenko

Promotion Committee Co-Chair


Mina Robinson

Economic Vitality Co-Chair

Missing Piece

General Advisory Member

Position Vacant

Staff Members

Caitlin Kasheta Headshot.jpg

Caitlin Kasheta

Executive Director

Missing Piece

Student Intern

Coming Soon

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